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Are you looking for an alternative to painting or wallpapering? For something totally different, try adding a wooden wall covering. Wood conveys a feeling of warmth in a room that can be combined with any contemporary or traditional decorating scheme.

It gets over the top if you panel an entire room, but used sparingly as an accent wall, it can make a bold statement.

product ideas

Embossed wood veneer is similar to wallpaper. It comes in paper-thin sheets of wood with a paper backing and is flexible enough to wrap around columns or bend corners. Veneers are often available in a multitude of patterns and colors, including intricate floral prints or solid wood grain. Installation should be done by someone used to working with unique wall treatments. Actually, furniture upholsterers work very well because of their experience in pattern matching. The product sticks to the wall like wallpaper.

Care for the wall as you would a piece of furniture by dusting it dry with a microfiber cloth. Once the panels are installed, light them to bring out the wood grain.

For a truly unique look, try a wood wall fabric. It is available in various wood finishes such as maple, red oak, and cherry, as well as natural. It comes in pre-assembled sections and is perfect for entryways, kitchen backsplashes, or even ceilings.

The product comes in small squares that interlock and fasten with nails, drywall screws, or glue. To install it simply keep adding more squares until the desired area is covered.

Another ColorWall wood product is also a thin wood veneer, but with a fabric backing. Gives you the look of architectural wood paneling at a fraction of the cost. The product is real hardwood, only thinner, pre-finished and coated with UV protection to prevent fading. It is available in over 300 colors, patterns, and wood types that can be custom stained to your color scheme. The panels are so flexible that they can be installed on straight or curved surfaces with ease.

Wood veneer wallcovering is considered a green product, especially with their line of reconstructed veneers that only replicate the look of some of the rarest and most exotic species.

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