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Often a person suffering from drug or alcohol addiction has many health problems. These can include, but are not limited to, things like malnutrition from not eating properly, breakdown of the skin and mucous membranes, problems with oral health, and disease.

Even if the person is not currently showing signs of a specific disease or condition, it is often necessary for a person to undergo medical tests before beginning substance abuse treatment. When this test can be done in the same facility where a person is undergoing rehabilitation, it is much easier for everyone involved in the patient’s care.

Comprehensive treatment facilities are designed where medical tests such as a complete blood test can be performed. The center’s medical staff draws the blood, obtains the sample results, and informs both the patient and others who will be involved in the patient’s alcohol abuse treatment. In this way, determinations can be made about what medical treatment may be necessary before and/or during substance abuse treatment.

Testing and interpretation of results should be performed by trained medical professionals who have experience with addiction and the physical implications of addiction. Patients also need to be sure that they are being treated by competent medical personnel, who will explain their findings and make sure everything is understood.

Once the physical aspect has been taken care of, the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects can be focused, which are just as important as the physical to the successful treatment process of a patient. Substance abuse treatment can then begin in earnest, because the patient’s entire being is ready to accept the things necessary to break the cycle of addiction. Drug and alcohol abuse treatment will also be more successful once the patient is fully ready to continue the treatment process.

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