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Psychokinesis, more commonly known as telekinesis, has been documented since ancient times. It is defined as the process of mind over matter and is derived from the Greek words ‘psyche’, meaning life, soul and breath, and ‘kinein’, meaning to move. When most people think of telekinesis, they picture the classic image of a gentleman bending spoons with the power of his mind. While this is certainly one aspect, psychokinesis is related to much more than that.

Consider the possibility that cancer cells in your body are dying instead of multiplying. Or maybe you’d like a sunny day for a picnic, when it clearly looks like it’s going to rain. These examples are certainly on a much larger scale than we normally imagine, but they also fall into this psychic category. While this may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, we all have the ability to put our minds above matter.

To gain experience in this elusive art, it is first beneficial to understand how it works. Everything around us and within us is made of energy. When we think, our thoughts direct our energy accordingly. So logically, if we focus our thoughts on levitating that paper cup off our coffee table, with practice our thought energy should be able to respond to our request. There are many ways to test and train the ability to use psychokinesis.

First, set aside some time each day to start training your mind to focus. Just as a professional athlete must work out every day in order to achieve incredible physical feats, the aspiring telekinetic must exercise his mind. Meditation is the perfect tool. Spend thirty minutes (or two fifteen-minute intervals) when you’re not being interrupted, and try to clear your mind of all thoughts, or try to focus on a single thought. Once you are consistently meditating every day, add thirty minutes of psychokinesis practice to your line. Stick with one type of practice for a minimum of seven days before moving on to a different technique. Don’t get frustrated if it takes several weeks to start seeing results. Here are some ideas to try:

• Try using a candle as a focal point. Block out everything from your mind except the candle flame and try to control the direction in which it flickers.

• Direct the movement of a pendulum. A pendulum can be something as simple as a cotton ball tied to a string or a necklace from your jewelry drawer. Be sure to place your pendulum in an area where it will have free range of motion, such as hanging it from a shelf or desk.

• Search online for psychokinetic testing and training websites. There are many places that have designed models where you can try to control the number that appears on your screen or the direction a ball will move next.

Once you’ve started to see consistent results, consider finding a local club or science lab that specializes in psychic areas. You may be surprised at how many people work to train their minds, and adding a partner can create a whole new element to this art form.

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