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How to make herbal soap is an easy process. With some time and effort you could be a soap pro. As always you will have to start with the proper safety equipment, safety glasses and rubber gloves. All kitchen equipment must be stainless steel. The three main ingredients you will need are lye. vegetable oil and your choice of herb leaves.

The use of herbs and other ingredients is starting to catch on. The use of tea in the lye uses the same principle in making drinking tea that applies to this method of making herbal soap. You place your tea bag in the water once it boils. Then let it transform into your solution giving it healing properties and a fragrant aroma. If you like the color you can add it at this point. Allow the herbs to completely dissolve in the water. People are also starting to use different combinations of oils and herbs. The herbs allow for some healing characteristics in the soap making process. You want to let the herbs simmer in the lye solution.

The tools you will need consist of a deep stainless steel saucepan, a whisk, some glassware, a mortar and pestle, and your choice of ramekins, a cutting board, a knife, a straining cloth, gloves, and a mask. safety for caustic solution which can irritate sensitive lungs and skin. Better safe than sorry, always remember to put safety first.

What you need to do is prepare your herbal mix first. This process is done by cutting up a cup of your favorite herbal leaves and boiling them in two cups of water for fifteen minutes. Once this is done, use a fine straining cloth to sift out any very small leaf fragments and set aside until needed.

Next, measure out one cup of lye and three cups of your herbal blend. For this in a large deep saucepan and stir constantly until the lye has fully infused. Add the 5 cups of oil and continue mixing the solution until it is paste-like. At this point, different colors can be put into the mix. Pour the herbal soap mixture into the decorative molds and allow to thicken and cool. Scoop the soap mixture out of the molds after five and a half hours. These will still need to be reserved for 30 days to be ready to use.

The instructions needed to make herbal soap at home are simple and easy. It won’t take you long to find the ingredients. They are easily available and not expensive at all.

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