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Challenges reveal our latent powers

Think about a difficult experience you have faced in the past year. Try to get a sense of the experience without being consumed by it. Did you resist at first? If so, why? Was it because of the negative emotions associated with the experience? Or because it was too much to face? Now, come back to the present moment and see if you can recognize the lessons learned from it. After you finish reading this article, I invite you to write down the lessons and reflect on how a difficult period can lead to great breakthroughs.

Your soul organizes your greatest challenges so that you can evolve as a spiritual being. I realize this may be hard to believe, but from the soul’s perspective, challenges reveal your true power. Your inner power threatens the ego, which opposes change and will therefore convince you that an experience should not be happening. The ego will do everything in its power to resist growth because it poses a threat to its survival. Instead, the soul perceives growth as expansion and development of the individual. It does not consider problems as a threat to its survival like the ego. Therefore, challenges reveal your latent powers to overcome your problems.

Lessons from the soul embedded in your experiences

Here’s the thing: the ego doesn’t like to be ruled. You prefer to be in control to satisfy your egoic needs for safety, security, and survival. Therefore, when difficulties arise, the ego resists them because it challenges its power over you. That is why conflicts arise in relationships when people are not aware of their egoic nature. Furthermore, the ego will flee from difficulties. It will downplay them; just to get away with it. He is a cheater; a con artist whose power lies in manipulation and control. Although I paint a bleak picture of the ego, its function is vested in survival so that it does not lose its identity. So, in a way, he is behaving the way nature intended.

It is important to recognize the influence of the ego during difficult times, but not to give in to it. Every time the ego tries to control a situation, it strengthens its power. The key is to be aware of your manipulation, as challenges expose your weaknesses so they can be transformed on a soul level. Can you see why trying to make sense of your difficulties from the ego’s perspective gives it more power? By empowering him, he will manipulate you into believing that challenges are not for your highest good. But how can you know if a difficult situation is not what you need for your personal growth? It can’t and why many people succumb to ego and miss out on important soul lessons.

To take this idea further: the soul is the quiet voice of the spirit and does not make demands, but rather waits patiently. It does not serve any leader and does not attract attention, except to be heard and trusted. Therefore, it is worth trusting the voice of the soul during difficult times. Even if you can’t understand the lessons, you can trust that there is a soul lesson embedded in the experience.. During your difficult moments related to your greatest expansion as a soul, otherwise the experience would not be happening.

Become the person who overcomes your problems

I understand, when you are going through a difficult period, every part of you wants to run away from it. Whether it’s an intimate relationship hitting roadblocks, life falling apart, your health suffering, or your career taking an unexpected detour. These experiences are soul lessons to awaken you to your higher power. I wrote in a previous article how I have faced many soul lessons throughout my life. In fact, at the time of this writing, I am experiencing one that has been going on for five years. I live next to a family who are problematic people. To say that they have regressed would be flattering. They have pushed every pain button inside of me and there were times when I wanted to lash out in anger. However, I recognized earlier that this was a soul experience due to the injuries that were caused to me. Family, friends and colleagues advised me to sue them. Some said I should retaliate, but I know it wouldn’t have helped, it would only make things worse. I have often told you about your noisy and disruptive ways and you have not changed.

So when you face difficulties, look for the personal growth contained in the experience. Many people try to find the meaning of the situation, but the meaning is subjective. Instead, consider the soul lessons contained in the experience. For me, the lessons I learned through my difficult neighbors included self-compassion, healing my childhood hurts, confronting my anger, and of course, patience. I recognize that they have been my teachers and guides; to awaken my higher self. Now, to be clear, they don’t know that they are teachers or guides. They just go on with their lives depending on their level of consciousness; which is limited. Let’s not mix our words: you will meet people like this throughout your life and instead of bumping into them, look for the soul lessons within the experience. I know I’ve repeated this message throughout the article because I think it’s more important than finding the meaning.

To put it another way: the lessons of your soul will be harsh and will push you to your limits. If you involve other people who cause you problems, try to recognize the experience as a gateway to inner transformation. Considering this, are you willing to perceive your difficulties with an open mind? Could you see it from a higher perspective? I invite you to write your response in a journal and work on it. See if your difficulties are pointing you toward growth and expansion, rather than pain and misery. It will help you learn from experience instead of spinning your wheels. Difficulties represent conflict for the ego, while for the soul it is a period of progress and transformation. Whenever you face challenges outside of your comfort zone, you are called to become the person to overcome them. After all, resisting challenges strengthens the ego but limits the soul lessons you must learn.

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