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How Much Have You Thought About Dog Liability Insurance? If you have a breed of dog that is known for its aggression like Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dalmatians, and others, there is always the chance that something could happen … no matter how well trained you think your dog is.

Having dog liability insurance could mean the difference between getting caught in a tough legal and financial mess and having peace of mind.

While customary homeowner policies cover most dogs and their accompanying issues, many of them exclude the breeds listed above, as well as a few others. By owning these dogs and not being protected from devastating bites, digging, and even unprovoked attacks, you could become very vulnerable to devastating lawsuits.

In this article, you will learn why having dog liability insurance is so important, what the costs are, and where you can go to get the cheapest and most comprehensive insurance for your loved one.

Don’t get exposed …

It is a fact that many apartments do not even allow you to have certain races while living in their complex. These breeds include Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, Wolf Breeds, Akitas, and sometimes Dalmatians, some Terriers, and others.

Even mixed breeds of these dogs are not allowed. The reason for this is simple: these dogs are a risk due to their aggressive nature. They don’t want to be sued by other tenants or even by people walking by where they get into a skirmish with the dogs.

Owners of these dogs may swear about how well they were trained or how friendly they are, but ultimately the dog’s instincts can kick in and disaster can strike within seconds. Sometimes it is out of our control.

It is also why homeowners insurance policies do not cover these breeds. By owning these dogs, you expose yourself to costly lawsuits … this is the plain and simple truth, no matter how much you feel otherwise.

How much?

Typical dog liability insurance can cost between $ 8 and $ 12 a month. Of course, they can be higher depending on how dangerous you consider your dog, where you live, and what the local laws are. If your dog has actually bitten someone in the past, increasing the dog’s liability, in some cases the insurance could cost as much as $ 85 a month. This is the exception, so the lower amount is a good estimate.

You can expect to be covered for most types of dog aggression, such as dog bites and emotional damage from unprovoked attacks. Coverage can reach up to $ 100,000 and more with deductibles as low as $ 1,000.

Considering the cost of a potential lawsuit, getting dog liability insurance is a very smart investment, especially if you know your dog has aggressive tendencies and you want to protect yourself.

Where to find the cheapest insurance …

There are plenty of places you can find low-cost dog liability insurance, but you also don’t want to get sucked into a seemingly good deal and end up paying too much for a small amount of coverage.

If you do a search online, you will be able to find websites that offer the best price comparison on this specific type of coverage (you have to remember that this is specialized coverage and many companies do not even offer it).

You will be able to find decent prices and you will be able to compare things based on your location, your dog’s breed, your dog’s history, and other things. Consider the fact that although it is unfortunate, people are very happy, especially if they can get someone in a “dangerous dog” costume. Make sure you’re protected with dog liability insurance so you can rest easy and get the most out of dog ownership.

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