Software full of Performance

Does your website increase confusion or reduce confusion?

Remember that confused people don’t buy; they are looking for more


Your job is to give them that information, or at least enough

information to give them the confidence to buy your product.

You must convince your customers that your product will solve

your problem

You do this by providing objective, fact-based web content.

Copy. What is the difference between web content and web copy?

Web copy is the sales pitch, while web content educates or

entertain your customer. That doesn’t mean your web copy

you can’t or shouldn’t educate your customer, only that web

the content should not be a pure sales pitch.

A great example of this is a white paper. a white paper

provides your customers with the information to understand what


They need to understand how your product benefits them, how

solve your problem. Your white paper can even identify a

problem they didn’t know existed.

If your white paper has identified a need, your web copy can

make an emotional appeal for the sale.

Another example of this is a targeted marketing article.

posted on your website. Where a white paper can address a

entire topic and take up several pages, the articles cover a

topic-specific piece.

Dividing the theme into segments allows you to make the most of

every angle of the story, keeping your customer’s attention

while doing it. Short focused articles are perfect for the short

attention spans of our web patterns.

Some of the benefits of articles and white papers are:

  • When posted online, they can help drive traffic to your website.

  • Help establish your experience.

  • Educate your customers.

  • They continue to work long after you post them.

Let’s say you have a white paper that explains how your product works and

how you solved a problem from a previous customer. At the end of

the paper the reader should be able to say “I have the same

issue. If it worked for that person, it should work for me!”

The saying “People buy on emotion and then justify with logic”

It is true. However, logic can be used to prime the emotional bomb.

White papers and articles are great tools for this! Show them

they have a problem and then show them how to fix it.

Since you included a link to your landing page, the customer

you can go directly to your product without going to the home page.

You included a link, right?

How many times have you wanted to look at a product, but

could not find it after reaching the company’s home page.

Don’t do this to your clients, take them where they need

go, and then ask for the sale. Yes, ask them for the sale!

Tell them what you want them to do and they will do it.

  1. Use logic to identify a problem.

  2. Then build emotionally on your customers’ need for your product or service.

  3. Lastly, ask for the sale.

Get all the sales you deserve!

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