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We are exposed to too many chemicals and allergens in today’s society. Alpaca fiber is rapidly gaining popularity because it is softer, warmer and stronger than sheep’s wool, but did you know that it has natural properties that can help you avoid chemicals and allergens?

An alpaca is a soft fiber animal. No animals are killed to harvest the luxurious alpaca fiber, which is another reason people like alpaca wool. Below are five ways an alpaca’s fleece helps it avoid some harsh chemicals and other irritants.

1. Alpaca wool comes in 22 natural colors. It is not necessary to use aggressive dye products. Natural colors range from white and beige to dark brown and black. Textile dye dermatitis is more common than people think. It’s not often tested for in standard allergy tests. Darker tint colors are more of a problem. You can avoid this irritant by choosing natural colors made from alpaca wool.

2. Alpaca should only be cleaned with a mild detergent. It is not necessary to use harsh chemicals to clean raw wool. It is not necessary to take it to a dry cleaner where they use perchlorethylene. This is a neurotoxic chlorinated solvent that accumulates in fat, is a possible endocrine disruptor and is probably carcinogenic. You can hand wash your alpaca wool with a mild detergent and avoid harsh chemicals.

3. The alpaca naturally repels water. What a great natural property! Not only will it stay dry, but your alpaca garment will be resistant to mold and mildew. Mold and mildew can trigger an allergic reaction and asthma, tissue irritation, infection, and toxic effects from mycotoxins (chemicals produced by mold). Having an alpaca that is resistant to mold and mildew can help you avoid these problems.

4. Did you know that alpaca fiber is naturally flame retardant? There is no need for those toxic fireproof chemicals in alpaca wool like those found in synthetic fibers. Avoid getting these harsh chemicals next to your skin by wearing alpaca wool.

5. Alpaca is not allergenic. Alpaca wool naturally fights dust mites. Dust mites are the cause of most asthma, nasal allergies and some eczema. Owning an alpaca can help reduce dust mites.

Avoid problems caused by harsh chemicals and allergens by using alpaca products or using raw alpaca fiber to make your own felt or spin your own yarn to make garments. Less exposure to chemicals and allergens will make you healthier. Try alpaca as a natural solution to today’s irritants.

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