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About 1 in 3 children with cerebral palsy cannot walk. Having access to the right wheelchair can make a world of difference, not only to your mobility, but also to your sense of freedom and independence. All of this can have a very positive impact on all aspects of development.

Wheelchairs are not cheap. A new wheelchair, even the most basic models, can cost several hundred dollars. Power wheelchairs and custom wheelchairs can cost as much as a car. Children grow, so keep in mind that young children will outgrow their wheelchair and will most likely need to be adapted or replaced once or twice before they reach their full height. The costs can be intimidating at the best of times.

Some financing options that may be presented to you include:

Wheelchair companies, like car companies, often offer in-house financing or partner with other financial institutions. By looking at the websites of wheelchair manufacturing companies, you can get an idea of ​​how this is done. At some point, you should make an appointment with a representative to discuss financing options. As with cars, there is an application process and your credit score will be considered.

Private insurance companies – Most insurance companies will cover the costs of a wheelchair, but you must go through a process to document exactly what and why your child needs what they need. You will be asked to provide documentation from physicians and therapists claiming and verifying those needs. It can become a minor battle between what you NEED and what you WANT. Insurance companies may refuse to pay for expensive wheelchairs if they perceive that a less expensive model will suffice, especially if its intended use is for a growing child. You have the right to appeal any denial and return with more extensive documentation about your child’s needs. You may want to have a medical advocate on her behalf.

Medicare – SSDI (Social Security Disability Income), should your child qualify, can also assist you with the purchase of a wheelchair, provided, again, that you provide the proper documentation of need. There are rules and regulations that vary from state to state regarding the financing of equipment. Your local Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services should be able to provide you with information regarding your status. Again, don’t expect them to want to pay anything more than the minimum required equipment.

Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) offer health programs for children of low-income adults. Again, the need for a wheelchair, including type and cost, must be well documented and submitted for approval. And while all Medicaid and CHIP programs must meet certain federal guidelines, the complete regulations can vary from state to state. Some states are willing to pay 100% for an approved wheelchair, while others do not pay for wheelchairs. The best thing to do is to thoroughly research your state’s Medicaid policies, including when and under what circumstances they will participate in paying for a second or third wheelchair.

For families who don’t qualify for state assistance because they earn too much and are otherwise underinsured or uninsured, there are other private assistance programs they can turn to. Organizations like the Disabled Children’s Relief Fund, the Kids Mobility Network Inc., the United Healthcare Children’s Foundation, and the Children’s Relief Fund raise money and accept donations in an effort to make sure every child who needs a wheelchair gets one. If your child needs a wheelchair and is struggling with financial resources, don’t be afraid to make your need known to your community. Many churches and social organizations, such as the Lions Club, encourage funds and organize fundraisers for such requests.

Meeting the mobility needs of your child with cerebral palsy is never an easy task, even when money is not the issue. When money is the issue, closed doors and endless bureaucracy can seem insurmountable. But there is always an answer for those willing to work.

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