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The next time you’re invited to a baby shower or christening, give a gift that is meaningful to the parents, as well as something the child will treasure as they grow. Here are some creative baby gift ideas.

1. A letter from the President. It’s a little known fact, but every new American baby can get a welcome card from the President and First Lady. All you need to do is write to the White House to request it: Send the baby’s name, date of birth and address to: The White House, Attn: Greetings Office, Washington, DC 20502-0039.

2. A box of memories. A beautiful carved wooden box, personalized with the baby’s initials, can be a great place to keep treasures, like the first lock of hair cut and the first missing tooth.

3. A book on the name of the baby. Find a book with an attractive binding and use it to collect all the information you can find about the baby’s name, including its meaning and origin and profiles of mythological characters and famous people who have shared it. You can also add information about the baby’s birthday, such as the front page of the local newspaper or The New York Times from the child’s date of birth.

4. A treasure chest full of tips. Write down tips that you think will be helpful to a growing child on pieces of paper (or collect such tips from friends and family). Then roll them up and tie them with ribbons. Store them in a small wooden chest.

5. A beginner’s guide to everything. Use an engaging, child-friendly book to create lists of good starting points for learning about the world. Include book recommendations on different topics, lists of websites, and tips on which family members and family friends can help with different types of questions.

6. An ever-growing ark. A simple Noah’s ark toy can become very special if you continue to provide new animals on special days throughout the child’s life, starting, of course, with the big ones that cannot be easily swallowed.

7. A lifetime magazine subscription. Several leading magazines offer lifetime subscriptions, so why not take full advantage of them and get them right from the start? Even if baby isn’t ready to start reading right away, she’ll enjoy having these things to remember later on. Visit the magazine’s website or call the subscription office listed in the latest issue to find out if the magazine of your choice offers such a subscription.

8. A star in the sky. Name a star after baby and he’ll always know he’s special. He will be able to look up at the night sky and know that somewhere there is a world of his own.

Once you’ve made the right selection of these unique and special baby gifts, don’t forget that there is one thing more special than all baby gifts: your time, attention, and love.

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