Software full of Performance

Just the other day I was digging through some of my old writing files. You know the drill, rummaging through dusty old cabinets you haven’t been in for years. And then, out of nowhere, it hits you like lightning…

It’s that old time Ah ha…

…that flashes in your mind and makes you smile.

As I pondered how to write great copy, it occurred to me that what separates good copy from great copy is so simple that I almost fell off the meat.

“Killer sales messages made simple”

If you’ve studied copywriting, you’ve probably heard of AIDA. If not, AIDA is an acronym for HASattention, meinterest, Ddesire, HASaction.

Therefore, by following the AIDA method of copywriting, you will know the importance of capturing the reader’s attention, usually through the hook and headline, generating interest and desire throughout the body of the copy, closing the sale and requesting the order. .

After all, if you don’t hook your reader and pique their interest, you have no chance of closing the deal and making the sale.

And certainly, your lead paragraph helps draw your reader into the body of the text by using short, concise sentences that keep them reading.

Writing from the prospects perspective, in a personal “you and me” tone, giving them solid advantages and reasons why your solution is obviously the best, along with an obvious offer, certainly goes a long way toward closing the deal. .

But the solid foundation on which all copy is written and truly great…

…literally the holy grail of all world class writingthe key that holds all successful advertising messages…

is none other than…

Research. Research. Research.

Yes, it’s true that most copywriters hate doing it. After all, we are writers and writers write, right?

But guess what: All top-tier writers do their homework (aka research). They tediously research all aspects of the topic, product and market) first before a single word is written.

We scramble every stone, search every shred of detail, dig into all the facts, and spend the time it takes to get the job done right.

This aspect of the project requires a batch Sweatshirt of time, patience and skull. But we know it’s like money in the bank and worth every ounce of time and sweat.

The late great copywriter and marketing genius, Gene Schwartz, once commented on his ability to outsell almost all of his competitors simply by “working harder” than they did.

His hard work was to thoroughly research the product before “writing” a single word of text. And his hard work paid off to the tune of millions and millions of dollars in sales.

Now keep in mind; you have alternatives Sure, you could pay others to do the research for you. It is money well spent. In fact, many A-list writers do just that and hire a professional researcher to give them a hand.

So yes, it is that necessary evil that makes the copy sing successfully and put money in the bank for both you and your customers.

Plus, it’s the best way to start any writing assignment. You will never face “writer’s block” again.

Simplified research

Like I said earlier, I could get the research task. Or you could do it yourself.

Personally, I have no qualms about doing my own research, even though it’s not my favorite thing to do.

The value of doing the work yourself is that you gain the good skills that are required to write a great promotion. Plus, if you’re short on cash, it’s a great way to save some money.

How to start. Start by making a comprehensive list of all the product features (then turn them into benefits and advantages that are important to your prospect).

Obtain product documentation from the manufacturer if you can. This can be very helpful in finding interesting details about how it is made, the materials used in the manufacturing process, and more.

If possible, get your hands on the product and try it out. What do you like about it? How does it work? Does it really solve the problem? How does it behave in the market? How does it compare to your product?

Talk to prospects, customers, and product users. Ask them what they liked, what they didn’t like about it. What were your favorite things about the product? What did you dislike the most about him?

Once you’ve delved into all the details about the product (or service), it’s time to get to know your potential customer.

Get to know your prospect

The key here is to “walk a mile in their shoes.” Find out what makes your prospects and customers tick. Where do they meet? What do they read, listen to or watch on television? What bias do they have?

Are they conservative or liberal in their thinking? Are they religious or not?

Find out what problems they are having now. What is it that bothers them the most that your product or service could solve? What keeps them awake at night. This is essential if you want to persuade her to buy from you.

Again, the key is to become a “sales detective,” as John Carlton says.

Know your competitors

Once you’ve gathered all this information about the product and your perfect lead, it’s time to see what the competition is up to.

What products are offered now? How do these products compare to your products? Get copies of the ads they are running.

Now find out how to position your company differently from your competitors. He wants to stand out favorably from his competitors.

Think about what your product does for your prospect. How are you different? Are you faster, do you offer faster deliveries, a better warranty, a better price, etc. What?

Now that you’ve gathered all the facts and figures you need and know how to position yourself effectively against your competition, you’re ready to start creating your marketing message.

Writing great copy isn’t rocket science and it’s not difficult, but it does take some effort.


As you can see, promoting yourself or your company is a good combination of researching your product or service, the market, and the competition. Once you are armed with this information, then and only then are you ready to communicate with your target audience.

So, as you can see, it’s a bit basic, if you think about it. How could you be ready to “talk” to your customers without knowing what they want?

pro tip. Do you want to know something really cool? This little method that I have shared here applies to any type of marketing message you write.

And this includes…

Emails, landing pages, sales letters, print ads, radio ads, infomercials, you name it.

In any case, I think you got it, right? Hi, I’m here if you need help or have questions. Only write me.

THANK YOU. And speaking of “help”, I would like to thank all my readers. I sincerely appreciate your interest in what I have to say and all your support over the years. I really wouldn’t be here without each of you.

Also, if there is a topic you would like to see covered or would like more information on this topic, please let me know. I will do my best to help you. I am always happy to share all my learning experiences with you.

After all, this is how we grow!

Wishing you all the best,

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