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Jock itch can be a problem for men at any time of the year, but during the summer, a rash on the penis is even more likely to develop. Unfortunately, while summer is a great time to meet potential new partners, most romantic prospects are likely to be snuffed out by a guy who keeps scratching his private parts. As such, it’s up to the Summer Casanova to fight penile rash by taking sensible measures for penile health.

The following tips may be helpful in helping keep jock itch at bay.

– Get undressed. Granted, most men have it in their mind to get naked with someone else (or maybe a few people), and that’s fine. But the man who is keeping an eye on his health also needs to spend some time alone. Basically, jock itch thrives in hot, humid conditions, making summer the best time for a penile rash to develop. But “airing” the product helps keep the area cooler and drier, which in turn discourages fungal growth in the area. So pull down the blinds and take your clothes off for a few hours a day.

– Shower after sweating. Whenever possible, shower after working out at the gym, spending an hour on the basketball court, or taking that awesome bike ride. Sure, during the summer, some days are so hot and muggy that a man can’t shower every time he sweats, but dealing with “sweat removal” helps keep skin clear and breakouts less likely. At a minimum, wash the penis and its surroundings every time it becomes sweaty.

– Dry off. Kids these days are often in a rush, and that can lead to cutting corners to save time. For example, many men simply towel dry quickly after showering. That’s a no-no, because that persistent moisture can become an invitation for bacteria, fungus, etc. Be sure to towel yourself dry after you finish showering, especially around your penis.

– Changing clothes. When a guy has been playing an epic game of soccer with his friends, the only sensible thing to do is go out and have a beer, right? There’s nothing wrong with that, but that beer turns into several, and soon everyone is off to watch the big game on someone’s plasma HD. Before anyone knows it, four or five hours have passed and everyone is still in the same sweaty clothes they were wearing at the beginning of the day. It makes sense to spend two minutes taking those clothes off and putting on clean clothes, or at least a clean, sweat-free pair of boxer shorts.

– Choose the right clothes. Tight briefs are a classic, but they increase the warmth quotient in the crotch. Boxers allow more room to breathe. When it comes to pants, natural fabrics like cotton are cooler and light colors absorb less heat than dark ones.

Keeping jock itch or any other penile rash away requires that the member himself be in the best possible health, and that requires a top-tier penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) apply daily. Like the rest of the body, the penis needs to get its vitamins, so select a cream that includes a wide range, including vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E. Rashes can leave the skin feeling stressed, dry and raw, so it’s crucial that your chosen cream includes ingredients that can address these issues. Moisturizers like shea butter can do the trick, and alpha lipoic acid is great at fighting free radicals that can cause cell damage and unwanted thinning of the skin on your penis.

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