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With the cost of furniture and appliances rising today, most people are finding that it makes more sense to breathe new life into their old appliances, cabinets, countertops, hardwood floors, bathtubs, and sinks. Simply repainting or even renovating can save thousands of dollars compared to buying new, and the good news is that most can be done in a few hours, even on a weekend project, and it’s no more complicated than any other. DIY project. Some examples; furniture, cabinets, tables, floors, chairs, benches, countertops, refrigerator, stoves, sinks, and bathtubs.

There are some new refinish products available at home improvement stores that are simple and easy to use. Many are available in kits and are determined by the number of square feet to be covered. Refinishing cabinets and countertops can even increase the value of your home and make it more desirable to home buyers. While restoring your hardwood cabinets and floors, you can also upgrade your outdated Formica countertops. Available at most home improvement stores and most box stores, you can purchase a kit to rejuvenate your Formica countertops and give them a faux granite look. The good news is that this can be done on the weekends and all for less than a few hundred dollars. The great news behind all of this is that it really improves the look of your dated cabinets and countertops, and it can be more appealing to any home buyer.

Now that we are discussing repainting, you can also repaint existing concrete surfaces. I’m not talking about just covering the driveway or walkway with paint, really refinishing the surface and the look. Now you can texture a concrete floor to look like ceramic tile for a fraction of the price, there are many colors and texture patterns available. Concrete textures are available at most home improvement stores. Concrete colors, textures, and tints have been around for a long time, but before they weren’t really on a do-it-yourself scale. The good news is that the color and textured look can be done even if the concrete is already set, unlike some stains. While making your list for the hardware store, we must think about the arrival of winter and isolate ourselves from the cold. There are several ways to address the drafty window situation without having to bear the cost of replacing all the windows in your home. The most popular options are: window film insulation, rubber weatherstripping, layered curtains, cellular curtains, and draft snakes.

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