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Everyone says cut out sugar, as it’s not good for you, and switch to an alternative. What they don’t tell you is that the most popular artificial sweeteners on the market today are absolute poison. We will delve into this alarming subject and help you take an interest in what these substances actually contain.

My Health and Living is all about sharing REAL truths, embracing core health beliefs, and sharing healthy lifestyle tips for you and your entire family, without the hype of “selling hot items” for cash. This means that even if we say “unpopular” things about certain products, medications, and other “known healthy alternatives,” we’ll talk about them because it’s the right thing to do! This involves the hidden secrets about the following “sugar alternatives”:





and even Stevia.

What about natural alternatives? We will also examine some of these dark truths.

Since we are not doctors or qualified health professionals, we do not provide medical guidance, but we do have the right to speak our minds and share great health tips and healing styles that have worked for thousands of years.

Now let’s get into the “Curse of Artificial Sweeteners” and its alarming poisonous facts.

Artificial sweeteners are not necessary in most foods. The food should taste good on its own or “enhanced with salts” to bring out its own untreated flavors. The problem is that we have become accustomed to sweets. The diet of Western society includes too many sweets. If the food isn’t covered in “candy” or flavors, people just don’t want to eat it. The problems related to excess sugar are, for sure, the overload of the pancreas and the difficulties in the production of insulin. It is then a constant battle in the body to balance things. Just remember that everything we put into our body will have a reaction in our body, if not right away, then maybe in the future.

Now, although not everyone likes honey or other natural or unprocessed alternatives, we must stay away from sweet foods. Without looking at all the problems related to sugars and sugar rushes, let’s take a look at the alternatives on the market today.


Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in diet soft drinks and more than 6,000 “sugar-free” or “diet” products. This chemical is extremely dangerous. It consists mainly of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is created synthetically to carry a methyl group, which gives it sweetness. That phenylalanine methyl bond allows the methyl group to form methanol. This distresses our cells. In humans, methyl alcohol travels through blood vessels to delicate areas (such as the brain) that are laden with alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), which converts methanol to formaldehyde. Since there are no defensive barriers present, the formaldehyde is free to cause extensive damage to your tissues.

So how is aspartame produced? As far back as 1999, aspartame was revealed to be a toxic sweetener. It was produced by genetically modified bacteria. According to “independent documents”, it is one of the biggest health threats in the world today. Artificial sweeteners and genetically modified organisms were joining forces.

It is alarming that genetically engineered ingredients have found their way into so many of our foods, despite studies highlighting their negative side effects. The best way to deal with genetically engineered foods is to simply not buy them.

The course of genetic modification is one that is headed for unpredictable consequences. By manipulating the very genetic coding of creation, which we don’t even fully understand, it is presumptive, and wrong, to think that there will be no undesirable reactions.

Genetically engineered foods have already been linked to infertility, infant death and allergies. Studies have revealed that men who consumed more than one diet soda per day had a higher risk of developing multiple myeloma and possible Hodgkin’s lymphoma, due to aspartame.

So look at the packaging, read it if it contains aspartame, and avoid them.


In a research study published October 19 in the journal Appetite, saccharin and aspartame were found to cause greater weight gain in adult rats than sucrose (regular table sugar), and this increase in weight was not related to caloric intake. The underlying mechanism was not determined. Now that’s worrying.

So what is saccharin? What if I told you to eat coal tar, would you do it? Sounds awful, right? After all, you’d have to be crazy to knowingly consume something as horrible as coal tar. But what if they told you it’s super sweet? Let’s say, 700 times sweeter than sugar. Would you still take it?

Before you answer “no,” think about this. He has probably not only eaten or drunk this particular coal-derived sweetener, but it is probably present on virtually every table of diners around the world. We are being disappointed. It is omnipresent, and we must stay away from it.

Saccharin is commonly made by combining anthranilic acid (used, among others, as a corrosive agent for metals) with nitrous acid, sulfur dioxide, chlorine, and ammonia. Yes, that’s right: chlorine and ammonia. It’s really harmful. Avoid this at all costs. Don’t consume it. Do not give anything with saccharin to loved ones.

In 2010, saccharin was removed from nearly every cancer list, from the US Department of Health and Human Services’ National Toxicology Program to the EPA’s list of dangerous goods. This is a dilemma. We are inviting cancers into us now…by eating this toxic concoction.


Phenylalanine is used for depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and a skin condition called vitiligo. .

BUT is it reliable? And what is it anyway?

It is basically an amino acid and it is in 3 forms. But I don’t think they are all non-toxic to human contact.

Outcomes associated with phenylalanine use include nausea, heartburn, headaches, anxiety, hyperactivity, and feeling jittery. Do not take phenylalanine or aspartame-containing products if you have PKU (phenylketonuria), are pregnant or breastfeeding, and take antipsychotic, antidepressant, or antispasmodic medications.


Xylitol is a naturally occurring alcohol found in most plants, including many fruits and vegetables. It is extracted from birch wood to produce medicines. It is widely used as a sugar substitute and in “sugar-free” gum, mints, and other candies. However, sorbitol is the most widely used sweetener in sugar-free gum because it is cheaper than xylitol and easier to convert into a commercial product.

Xylitol is not toxic in amounts found in food. It appears non-toxic as a medication to many adults in amounts up to about 50 grams per day. Avoid larger doses. There is particular concern that really high doses over long periods (more than three years) could cause tumors. Xylitol can also cause diarrhea and intestinal gas formation. It is probably safe for children as a medication in amounts up to 20 grams daily.


If you must have a bit of sweetness, choose Stevia instead. This herb comes in liquid and powdered forms and is an excellent choice to sweeten coffee, oatmeal, or even to enhance the flavor of mineral water. Above all, it is chemical free and non-toxic.

Stevia is a plant found in South America. It is most likely known as a pit of natural sweeteners. In fact, the natives of South America have used Stevia as a sweetener for several years. But the leaves are also used to produce medicine. Its primary use is as a weight loss aid; for the treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure and heartburn; to lower uric acid levels; to prevent pregnancy; and to increase the force of muscle contractions that pump blood away from the heart.

In foods, stevia is used as a non-caloric sweetener and flavor enhancer. Some people taking stevia or stevioside may experience bloating or nausea. Other people have reported waves of dizziness, muscle pain, and numbness. If you have diabetes and take stevia or any of the sweeteners, monitor your blood sugar closely and notify your doctor.

What health food is sticky, full of enzymes, helps protect against open wounds, is antibacterial, and has been used for centuries in medicinal ideas?

Raw Honey is the answer. It is considered the best sweetener; It is packed with healing enzymes and is 100% raw.

I hope this article has encouraged you to do more research on the very important topic of artificial sweeteners. Thank you.

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