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Achieving the proper caloric balance is the key to successful weight management for men and women of all ages. To obtain and maintain a healthy weight, it is important for men to control energy intake by balancing physical activity (calories expended) with food and drink intake (calories consumed). While smart food choices are essential, there is growing evidence that inappropriate beverage choices can also contribute significantly to weight problems.

Different studies suggest that the calories in beverages have more than doubled since the 1960s, mainly due to increased consumption of soft drinks, sports drinks, and sweetened teas. According to research, this adds to the total daily amount of calories, because we don’t tend to balance these calories from drinks by eating fewer calories from food or by doing more physical movement. In the long term, these extra liquid calories can contribute to energy imbalance and excessive weight gain.

So, along with proper food choices and a higher level of fitness, it’s a good idea to reconsider your beverage intake to eliminate a possible reason that could sabotage your weight loss efforts. Here are some low-calorie drink suggestions to quench your thirst and balance your energy intake.

Drink plenty of fresh, calorie-free water

A sufficient amount of water, evenly distributed throughout the day, is a calorie-free way to help the body stay hydrated, support metabolism, and optimal muscle and brain performance. Water intake needs depend on body size and activity level: larger and more physically active people need more fluids. An indicator of whether you are properly hydrated is colorless, odorless urine.

Consume nutritious, low-fat milk

Nutrient-dense dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese can help promote healthy bones, teeth, and muscle mass. They may also be beneficial in reducing the risk of high blood pressure. Low-fat or fat-free dairy products are good choices to get most of your nutrients while avoiding excess calories. Research also suggests that skim milk can be considered an effective sports drink. Resistance training, along with consuming whey protein, appears to promote a faster rate of muscle mass building.

Limit juice intake to a maximum of 4 to 6 ounces per day

Pure, fresh juices can be a great source of vitamins and other nutrients, but they can’t suppress your appetite like whole fruits and vegetables can. Drinking a lot of juice can eventually contribute to a higher calorie intake, and while vitamins and minerals are good, they also have set daily values ​​that it’s not good to exceed. On the other hand, real food tends to be more satisfying, plus you’ll get the benefit of fiber and phytochemicals too.

Be careful with other drinks

If you want to consume low-calorie drinks, be careful with most of the drinks that surround us, in our day to day. Sodas, sweetened teas, some fruit juices, and most energy drinks are loaded with extra calories and sometimes caffeine, too. Coffee drinks are often loaded with calories from added fat and sugar. Alcoholic beverages also contain so-called empty calories. Here are some tips for dealing with high-calorie drinks:

  • Carefully read the nutritional information on the labels. Look up the values ​​for energy (calories), sugar, fat, and caffeine before you buy.
  • Stay away from supercharged energy drinks. It is not advisable to consume beverages with a high content of caffeine with alcohol.
  • The smaller the serving size you can buy, the better. Moderate amounts of food and drink are always better for the body.

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