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We all want to live in a world where all our needs are met, where we feel happy, have friends who love us, are with our ideal partner in an ideal relationship, work or are in a career we love and that country. we feel good and generally feel empowered and meaningful in our lives.

But many of us find ourselves in a world that is unsatisfactory and doesn’t work in some or many areas. In this reality, life can feel like a struggle, we may have the same kinds of painful relationships over and over again, we may not feel safe or stable, and we may not feel good about ourselves.

Most people believe that our experience of reality is something objective that exists outside of us and over which we have little control. We cannot control if our boss fires us, if our husband or wife has an affair, if the economy makes it difficult to find a job, etc. But our experience of reality is much more subjective and changeable than we think. And we have much more control over our lives than we ever dreamed of.

We are affecting what happens in our lives, often in ways we are barely aware of. And many times we are not aware of how we are doing it. How we are affecting our life comes down to something called a “limiting decision.” A limiting decision, as defined in the NLP TimeLine process, is an unconscious decision made in early childhood, such as that you are stupid, not good enough, not nice, or mean. Or it could be about the way the world is, like people can’t be trusted, life is hard, or there isn’t enough of it.

Most people make several of these limiting decisions in childhood and they remain locked in the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is very powerful and automatically controls how we see the world, when we do not consciously control our mind. Once a decision is locked in the unconscious mind, the unconscious mind goes about proving that it is true. This decision then becomes your worldview, and the unconscious mind is constantly looking for ways to keep that worldview in place. It does this by how you interpret the things that happen in your life and the people and situations that you attract to you and are attracted to.

For example, if you have made the decision that there is not enough, that is what you would bring into your life. You would tend to be unaware of the opportunities right in front of you, or dismiss them because they don’t fit into your “not enough” worldview. Instead, you would focus on experiences where there is some limitation or lack, and reinforce that as reality.

Or maybe you made the limiting choice that you are not worthy of respect. This could result in your boss, co-workers, or husband/wife not treating you respectively, because that is the reality that your unconscious mind is holding in place.

Or maybe you made the limiting choice that you are powerless. That could result in you being ineffective at work or finding a job, feeling weak or abandoned in relationships, or even frequently losing your temper in situations where you feel someone has power over you.

The problems that people experience are never really related to the nature of reality, of life, or of other people. They always turn out to be the result of limiting decisions that distort your life experience.

So you might ask yourself, “If limiting decisions are the problem, what should I do about it?”

The NLP timeline process is meant to release limiting decisions. It is a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) process that uses the technology of how the brain works to form experience. It works with the basic building blocks of how the experience is distorted and how it can be changed. Use hypnosis to get the cooperation of the unconscious mind. This is essential because the unconscious mind is what holds in place the limiting decisions that distort your experience and make your life not work, in whatever area it is not working.

The NLP Timeline Counselor is a Master NLP Practitioner, who has the ability to come to the most effective limiting decisions that are at the heart of whatever is not working well in your life, and then facilitates its elimination in the NLP Timeline process. This takes you out of a reality where your life doesn’t work, and into one where it works wonderfully well.

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