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Crayfish are beautiful and fascinating creatures to house in an aquarium. There are more than 100 different species of crayfish that differ in color, from yellow to green and from brown to red. Most of them live up to 3 years, although some may live longer. However, keeping crayfish involves more than just throwing them into the tank. Even though they live in mud when they are in the wild, it is very important to ensure that the creature is healthy and happy at all times.

You need to pay attention to a number of factors, including water chemistry and quality, who they share the tank with, and diet. You should also understand that different species of fish have slightly different needs, temperaments, and behaviors. Here’s a complete guide on crayfish care:

Water parameters

This is one of the most important factors associated with crayfish care. If the water conditions in the aquarium are not right, your fish may feel uncomfortable or even die. So before you start farming crayfish, learn how to bike your fish tank. Here are some other important points to consider:

– Make sure to keep the water at a pH level between 7 and 8.

– Crayfish will do well in room temperature water, but don’t let the water get too hot, above (80 F / 26 C).

– Crayfish thrive well in hard water. The minimum water hardness must be between (8-12 dGH and KH (140-210).

– Crayfish that are deficient in iodine often have trouble molting. The easiest way to make sure they have enough iodine is to buy marine iodine. A single bottle can last for several months.

– Like any other fish tank, changing your filters monthly and 25 percent of your water every two weeks is very important for freshwater crayfish care.

What do crayfish eat?

Crayfish are omnivores, which means that they feed on plants and animals; mainly fish. Typically, domestic crayfish are fed sinking pellets. On top of that, vegetables like zucchini, spinach, frozen peas, and cabbage leaves are also great for crawfish. You can supplement your diet with feeder fish from time to time. Crayfish love fish. So don’t be surprised if one of your fish goes missing one day.

Also keep in mind that fish require a lot of calcium to help them develop their exoskeletons. This basically means that in your aquarium, you need to make sure that they are getting enough calcium in their diet. Vegetables like spinach and collard greens are excellent sources of calcium. It is also acceptable to give them a supplement of brine shrimp or frozen krill once or twice a week.

How often do they eat?

Freshwater crayfish only need to be fed once a day. But plant food can be left in the aquarium indefinitely. If your crawfish eats a fish and leaves chunks of fish behind, be sure to remove chunks quickly.

Can I keep crayfish in a tank with live plants?

Crayfish feed on everything they find. Although this may not be true for all crayfish, it is safe to assume that they will eat or destroy your plants. That is why it is always a good idea to have artificial plants for your tank.


Most animals, including crustaceans like the freshwater crayfish, undergo a process known as molting. This is shedding its exoskeleton to adapt to the growth of the fish. If you notice that the fish is hiding more or eating less than usual, it may be a sign that it is molting. When they molt they do not remove the shell of the aquarium, it will consume it to facilitate the growth of the new exoskeleton.

With these freshwater crayfish care tips, you should be able to have a healthy crayfish as a pet. Their life cycle is very fascinating to watch and fish sometimes do things that will make you laugh out loud. Take proper care of them and they will reward you with several years of enjoyment.

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