Software full of Performance

Every time I heard the phrase “double your upline,” I cringed. I thought I would have to “be” them. I thought I would have to change my beliefs, my personality, and my actions to “become” the kingpin of my network marketing company. Let me tell you that is not the case. Duplication is about studying the principles your upline teaches, being active in your own personal development, and then applying the two to your business.

Duplication is NOT about “becoming” your upline. Just look at your own line of sponsorship. I can take a look at an organization and see that one person can be a loud, outgoing athlete…and then their sponsors can be a quiet older couple. Then their sponsors could be total nonsense! No matter what your personality is, you can learn social skills and the art of building relationships in your downline.

Some of the things I would look at when studying my upline are:

1.) How do you relate to new people you meet? Your group can only grow as fast as you can bring people into your organization. It sounds silly and obvious, but think about it. You need to build trust, show value, sign that person up, and get them started right… all as quickly as possible so you can learn and repeat the process in your downline. Building that trust and engaging with your prospect is the first step. If your prospect doesn’t feel a connection with you, they will NOT sponsor you, no matter how much they need your opportunity or how good your pitch is.

2.) Listen to how your upline responds to prospects’ questions. When I started, I used to get offended when prospects asked certain questions. “No, it’s not a pyramid doll! It’s a billion dollar company! Obviously!” … or something similar. How does YOUR upline respond to questions? How do you handle objections and what do you do to take your prospect to the next step? Learn this, and you can do this for your own downline.

3.) How is your upline GROWING? What books are they reading? What CD are you listening to? This industry has a lot to do with personal development. Your group cannot grow and duplicate if you always push them away. You should become a MAGNET to other people by drawing them towards you, instead of pushing them away.

Study these 3 things, while taking the actions required to build your business… then you will really see how to duplicate your upline. Teach these principles to your downline and you will see them double their eagerness to learn and you will have a… driving organization.

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