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Aura is an energy field around the human body or to say any living thing. It surrounds the physical body protecting it from negative vibrations. This energy or universal life force or prana manifests our existence. Our aura is part of the universe. It is connected to the universal cosmic energy.

Aura is the antenna of consciousness, a treasure of knowledge, a storehouse of our karma, our thoughts, actions and reactions. And if harnessed in the right direction, you will have unlimited growth possibilities. The aura is described as divine illumination or God’s light that radiates from within and spreads throughout the body.

The aura around our body has seven layers with seven colors of rainbows in the form of mist. Each color or layer has a different frequency of vibration and each color has a different interpretation and meaning. In the aura, along the spinal cord there are seven Chakras or vortices that control the hormonal organs and the emotions related to each chakra.

The human aura is the energetic force that sustains life and that characterizes every human being. It is sensitive to the internal and external environment, mental, physical, spiritual and emotional, factors constantly interact and influence the aura. Personality traits, health status, personal interests, social factors, and emotional states surrounding conditions can have an immediate and critical effect on the aura.

Negative mental states such as anxiety, hostility, anger, hatred, frustration, etc. affirm negative and bad effects on the body and drain the aura system. Similarly, low self-esteem, poor self-concept, and negative social interaction can deplete your energy supply. On the other hand, Love, the most powerful force in the Universe, expands, illuminates and energizes the aura. Positive self-concept, inner state of balance and attunement to cosmic force, a genuine concern for others, all contribute to the aura system and fill with radiant energy.

The human aura is never without color. Although the intensity and distribution of colors vary greatly, the aura is characterized by its dominant color with a relatively stable structure.

The aura is the visible manifestation of the life force that energizes total well-being. Without this energizing life force, the physical body cannot function. Aura is therefore in the manifestation of the vital force that underlines our existence, it also manifests our immortality as a spiritual being. We are temporary residents of this planet but permanent citizens of this cosmos.

The aura is never stationary, it keeps changing with your thoughts and beliefs, while in non-living beings the aura is stationary.

Reasons to see and study Aura:

Aura shows our true nature and intentions. We can’t fake aura. Aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a clean and bright aura, you can be sure that this person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he is modest or unaware of it. When you see a gray or dark aura, you can be sure that person has bad and negative intentions, regardless of how impressive, eloquent, polite, handsome or well dressed they seem. Especially the colors above the head suggest the motives, thoughts and intentions from now on.

In the history of science, the development of new instruments has resulted in a new understanding of reality: microscope, telescope, laser camera, computer, etc. without these instruments modern science is powerless. Similarly, the invention of instruments and technology to see our aura of human beings, other objects and environments, houses, places, lands, etc. and rectifying them will bring peace and harmony in one’s life. This acceptance can bring a revolution to humanity. One of the most significant applications of modern technique today is to assist health professionals in the rapid and accurate assessment of the human state, the stress on different organs, and in the comparison of efficacy and treatment with various therapies.

How does disease enter the human body?
The first stage of the disease manifests in the aura and can be seen as a congestion or leak in the energy field. Long before the person feels pain, blockages in the auric body can be seen.

Second Stage – When the first stage is ignored, imbalances affect the chakras and the human energy field and this slows down the body’s self-healing mechanism.

Third stage: Imbalances are seen in the organs in the energy field that will affect the disease as it takes its physical manifestation. Pathological tests, if performed, will show abnormalities.

In the next stage, the person suffering now will feel pain intense enough to go to a doctor who will cure their physical problems. Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctor will medicate or the operation may be the way to relieve the patient.

The last stage is a chronic stage when the patient suffers from a prolonged illness and slow degeneration leads the person to the end of life.

The terminal stage is when the patient finally dies, it can be due to diseases such as cancer, etc.

So as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Healing from the onset of the disease can help a person live a healthy and happy life.

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