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Amino acids are found in proteins and fuel neurotransmitters in the brain that affect behavior and learning abilities. Having a deficiency in neurotransmitters can dramatically affect a person’s ability to learn and can cause erratic behavior. The amino acid connection to ADHD is supported by the fact that many children with ADHD are born with a neurotransmitter deficiency. This also suggests a genetic link.

Of the 20 amino acids, the human body naturally produces ten of them. The rest of them must be taken from the food supply. Among the ten amino acids that the human body is capable of producing are asparagine, alanine, cysteine, aspartic acid, glutamine, glutamic acid, serine, proline, glycine, and tyrosine. Essential amino acids that we don’t make include arginine, isoleucine, histidine, lysine, phenylalanine, leucine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, and then valine.

These essential amino acids are found in the following foods: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, and soy. Because many children with ADHD are also picky eaters, your child may not get all the nutrients he needs from his diet.

The amino acids that are required to build our neurotransmitters are GABA,
glycine, tyrosine, taurine, tryptophan and glutamine. These essential amino acids come from our daily diet. The body does not store amino acids, so it is important to maintain a regular supply. If we are not getting enough or the correct amino acids in our diet, mood, memory and behavior are affected.

Amino acids are found in protein, so eating a low-protein diet can seriously affect our ability to eat enough to maintain necessary amino acid levels. An amino acid deficiency can cause difficulty concentrating, lack of interest, insomnia and lethargy.

Because of this behavioral link, amino acids are an alternative form of treatment used to address ADHD. Amino acids are taken as supplements to stimulate the production of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Research has shown that children with ADHD who receive GABA supplementation have reduced anxiety levels. However, the dosage varies as it depends on age and weight.

Glutamine is the amino acid responsible for memory and concentration and in 75% of children with ADHD their blood tests show a deficiency. Taking glutamine has been seen to help improve ADHD symptoms.

Tyrosine can help combat depression and mood disorders, and glycine calms aggression.

Amino acids are available in health food stores and online and can come individually, two or three together, or the full complement.

Make sure any supplement you buy is suitable for children, as dosages tend to be different for children and tend to be lower than for adults.

To learn about other ways to treat ADHD naturally, sign up for the free newsletter below.

If you are interested in starting an ADHD Amino Acids supplement program for your child, you should first discuss your plans with your doctor.

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