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Technological advances, courageous travel, and important people from the Age of Exploration created an impressive step into the modern age. Improved technologies such as the compass were promoted during this era, helping sailors along their voyage to reach their destination. The brave voyages of many men were incredible, like Gil Eanes’s short but significant journey across the Green Sea of ​​Darkness. In the Age of Exploration, many important people decided to go beyond their capacity, for example, Ferdinand Magellan, who circumnavigated the Earth.

Many of the significant improvements in technology were made during the Age of Exploration. First of all, Prince Henry’s designers improved the caravel’s smooth hull, teenage sail, and two rudders for the voyages sailors had to make. The compass, which is a fundamental part of any type of trip, which was used to look at the direction in which one was going, was promoted throughout this time. Prince Henry’s navigation plan needed the astrolabe, which determined latitude to prepare for his voyage. Enhanced maps were part of technology improvements during the Age of Exploration and were used to find your destination.

Also, the brave journeys of many important figures were all very amazing. Gil Eanes’ voyage across the Green Sea of ​​Darkness was brief, but he was the captain of the first successful voyage across the ocean. Columbus’ well-known voyage was an exciting voyage that led to the Native Americans and the discovery of America, which he did not know was America. Vasco De Gama’s travels were significant because he was the man who began a long and hard journey. Magellan’s circumnavigation is one of the most respected voyages of all time because he did not have much chance of success and part of his crew did.

Finally, the notable figures of this era decided to go beyond their abilities. Prince Henry the navigator was the man who destined some people and some technology to become an important part of history. Gil Eanes, the brave Portuguese navigator is a respectable person of this age because he was the man who broke the fear of the Green Sea of ​​Darkness. The two people, Columbus and Vasco de Gama, are gigantic people who made long and difficult voyages that impacted history immensely. Lastly, the remarkably momentous man of this generation would be Magellan with his unrealistic circumnavigation surpassing various abilities in his time.

In short, many significant achievements were made during this time. The old technologies were modified for the substantial figures who made successful trips in their lifetime. Respectable characters of all times represented this era by showing consumption during trips and improvements. The time period of the exploration was an immense achievement for the revered people of the time.

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