Software full of Performance

We got a call from Austin Texas. The family had just died their beloved Jack Russell Terrier. They were heartbroken. They had taken him to the vet for cremation. They entrusted it to their local vet and went home.

Within days they realized that Jerry’s spirit was still in the home. At first they thought it was just their pain and sense of loss. But they soon learned that Jerry was trying to catch up with them. They could hear the familiar sound of him drinking from the bowl of water. She felt him jump onto the bed. After finding out that everyone in the family had been feeling this. There were poltergeist types of interruptions, noises, and visualizations of Jerry all over the house.

When the family contacted us, they did not know why this was happening. We weren’t sure we could help as we had never tried to work with a spirit animal, but the moment I sat down and began to focus on Jerry, Jack Russel’s tenacity came in and he had a lot to say. First of all, he was quite upset that he had not been buried in the backyard with the family cat. Second, he had not been cremated and he wanted the family to investigate what had happened to him.

When I spoke to the family, it was awkward to broach this conversation with them. But I explained that Jerry wasn’t happy with the way he got rid of it and wanted to be buried in the backyard. We decided to take photos of Jerry and the objects he liked and create a ceremony for him in the backyard.

The family began investigating and found that the vet had not cremated Jerry, but had simply taken the dog to the city landfill. For a while things were quiet. But then Jerry’s activities started again. Sharon contacted Jerry again, who told her that he could not rest because there were many other animals that were not properly cared for or put to rest.

We sat quietly in a room one night and called on Archangel Michael, Saint Francis, and Jerry to help all these lost animal spirits cross. It was amazing how many spirits crossed over the next half hour. This simple but powerful ceremony gave comfort to many restless souls.

This was a good reminder to all of us that even our loving animals must be carefully cared for in death. Today things are calm and peaceful. Jerry has not returned.

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